
In "Weird Science," two socially awkward high school boys use their computer to create the perfect woman. What ensues is a series of wacky and outlandish adventures as the boys navigate their newfound power and the woman they created. The movie is a mixture of teenage angst, science fiction, and comedy, all wrapped up in an '80s aesthetic.

The film is a commentary on the struggles of adolescence and the desire to fit in and be accepted. The boys' creation of a perfect woman represents the desire for control and the fantasy of having everything one desires. However, as they soon learn, having everything doesn't necessarily equate to happiness or fulfillment.

Despite the film's humorous tone, it also touches on serious themes such as bullying, peer pressure, and the importance of true friendship. The retro style of the film adds to its charm, with its iconic '80s fashion and soundtrack.

Overall, "Weird Science" is a fun and entertaining movie that captures the spirit of the '80s. While it may not be the most profound film, it offers a nostalgic trip down memory lane and a reminder of the ups and downs of adolescence.

Grade: B-

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