
"Braindead" is a visceral masterpiece that immerses the viewer in a world of surreal and grotesque horror. The film is unapologetically gruesome and explores the boundaries of bodily transformation and decay with shocking detail. Its relentless pace and dark humor make for a truly unique cinematic experience.

The plot follows a young man named Lionel who is forced to care for his overbearing mother. Things take a turn for the worse when she is bitten by a rat-monkey and turns into a flesh-eating zombie. Lionel attempts to keep her under control, but soon the situation spirals out of control and the small New Zealand town is overrun with the undead.

Director Peter Jackson's attention to detail in the practical effects and makeup is nothing short of impressive, and the film's climax is a gory and unforgettable battle between the living and the dead. The script, while at times ridiculous, perfectly captures the campy tone of classic horror films while also pushing the boundaries of what is acceptable on screen.

"Braindead" is a must-see for fans of horror and anyone looking for a film that is equal parts disgusting and hilarious. It is not for the faint of heart, but for those brave enough to endure its grotesque charms, it is a truly unforgettable experience.

Grade: B+

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