
"It Follows" is a modern horror movie with a retro style. The film manages to capture the feeling of classic horror movies from the '70s and '80s while still maintaining a modern edge. The cinematography, soundtrack, and pacing all work together to create an unsettling atmosphere that will keep you on the edge of your seat.

But "It Follows" is more than just a horror movie. It's a coming-of-age story that represents the transition to adulthood. The protagonist, Jay, is forced to confront her fears and take control of her life in the face of an inexplicable threat that is always lurking behind her.

The film uses horror as a metaphor for the anxieties of growing up, particularly the fear of the unknown and the loss of innocence. It's a unique take on the horror genre that elevates it beyond simple scares and into something deeper and more meaningful.

Despite some flaws in the pacing and plot, "It Follows" is a refreshing addition to the horror genre that manages to be both modern and retro at the same time. It's a film that will leave you thinking long after the credits have rolled.

Grade: B+

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