
The latest installment in the "Evil Dead" franchise, "Evil Dead Rise," is a delightfully gory and visually stunning horror film that subverts expectations with its almost all-female cast of heroes.

The film is not only a refreshing break from the typical male-dominated horror genre, but it also features strong feminist themes and commentary.

The film's retro value is evident in its use of practical effects and its commitment to creating an atmosphere of suspense and terror, rather than relying on jump scares and cheap thrills. The sound design and score are particularly effective in creating a sense of unease throughout the film.

What sets "Evil Dead Rise" apart from its predecessors is its focus on the bond between the female protagonists. The film explores themes of sisterhood and solidarity in the face of overwhelming evil, and the performances from the cast are uniformly excellent.

While the basic plot of the film is not particularly innovative, the execution is top-notch, and the film is sure to satisfy fans of the franchise and horror enthusiasts alike. "Evil Dead Rise" is a worthy addition to the series and a standout example of how horror can be used to explore important social and cultural issues.

Grade: B+

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