
Crank is a frenetic and unrelenting action movie that doesn't hold back. The film follows a hitman named Chev Chelios, who has been injected with a poison that will kill him if his heart rate drops. This sets off a wild and adrenaline-fueled race against time as Chelios must keep his heart racing through any means necessary to stay alive.

While "Crank" was released in 2006, it has a retro quality to it that harkens back to the gritty, action-packed films of the 80s and 90s. The film's intense and frenzied pacing, combined with its neon-colored cinematography, give it a distinct throwback feel.

The movie's hyperkinetic style and non-stop action sequences are both exhilarating and exhausting. The use of split-screen and other experimental editing techniques create a disorienting and chaotic visual experience that perfectly matches the film's breakneck pace. The violence is over-the-top and gratuitous, with Chelios dispatching his enemies in increasingly creative and gruesome ways.

At its core, Crank is a pure adrenaline rush that never takes itself too seriously. The movie's self-awareness and dark humor help to balance out the intense action and create a fun and entertaining experience. Jason Statham's performance as Chelios is also a highlight, perfectly embodying the character's manic energy and desperation.

Overall, Crank is a wild and unapologetic action movie that doesn't try to be anything else. It's not for everyone, but those who appreciate its unique style and energy will find it to be a thrilling ride.

Grade: B+

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